Last year you might have noticed that the name Project Preservation suddenly replaced Collective Concierge. When I started Collective Concierge almost 8 years ago, the vision was to give clients on-demand personal assistant services. While I was trying to figure out how to build a team, I was working for multiple clients, running errands, planning parties, and dealing with household maintenance … lots and lots of maintenance. The more I arranged services and repairs, the clearer it became that preventative maintenance could help clients save money in the long run.
To address these preventable maintenance issues, I started creating annual maintenance calendars and scheduling recurring services for clients. Clients would call me when there was an emergency or ask me to help manage a small project. Through word of mouth my business grew and so did my team. As we grew, the focus became less on doing concierge work and more on preserving homes. Last year, it was time to change the business name to reflect the awesome work we are doing.
At Project Preservation we love preventing problems and solving them. We have adopted technology that helps us track every property and utilize apps that help us share information and communicate as a team. We will continue to evolve as homes and the systems they contain evolve. While last year was backbreaking for many, our business continued to grow. For that I am very grateful … grateful for my team, for our clients, and the vendors who work with us.
Thank you to everyone who helped make Project Preservation possible!
Melissa Shymko
Owner and Founder